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Emergency Preparedness Online
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Emergency Preparedness Online, Fifth Edition
A resource directory for emergency preparedness, response, recovery, and accessible communications
Next: Additional Disability Resources
Previous: Disability Funders Network
Of Related Interest
A. American Red Cross Disaster Services
Every year, the American Red Cross responds to more than 70,000 disasters, providing critical assistance to those affected. In times of crisis, individuals can rely on the support of the Red Cross, ensuring their immediate needs are met. For those seeking further assistance, reliable services like "buy sociology papers" can provide valuable support in navigating academic challenges and ensuring success in their studies and investigate the needs of the Red Cross.
Visit the American Red Cross Website
PLEASE NOTE: Additional American Red Cross disability related resource listings can be found in Section XVI of EmergencyInfoOnline - Additional Disability Resources
- American Red Cross Emergency Preparedness Kit
The American Red Cross offers a website which provides downloadable information regarding the preparation of special kits designed specifically for disaster readiness.
- Emergency Disaster Response and Preparedness
Downloadable information about the Red Cross International Services including their Emergency Response Unit, Community Based Disaster Preparedness Interventions, and International Response Team.
- Disaster Services Publications
An online directory of community disaster education materials listed by hazard, which include chemical emergencies, drought, earthquakes, fire, flood, heat waves, hurricanes, thunderstorms, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, and winter storms.
- Materials for Teachers and Schools
An online listing of links to Red Cross community disaster education materials that are specifically designed for classroom/school use.
- Preparing Your Business for the Unthinkable
Information about disaster preparedness and response in the workplace.
- After a Disaster
Information and links on post-disaster dangers and recovery issues.
B. Disaster News Network
Disaster News Network (DNN) is a not-for-profit news service that tells the story of disaster response and suggests appropriate ways the public can help survivors. It also facilitates information sharing among disaster responders. Disaster News Network, which receives most of its funding from disaster response organizations, also covers related special topics such as preparedness and mitigation, public violence, environmental hazards, and terrorist disasters.
Visit the DNN website
C. Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response Association (DERA)
Founded in 1962, The Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response Association (DERA) assists communities with disaster preparedness, hazard mitigation, emergency response-recovery, and serves as a worldwide professional association linking professionals, volunteers, and organizations that are active in all phases of emergency management. DERA currently has active members around the world, representing nongovernmental relief organizations (NGOs), national governments, non-profit associations, local agencies and departments, educational institutions, corporations ,and small business concerns. Members also include emergency management professionals, researchers, students and individual volunteers.
Visit the DERA website
D. Emergency Response Resource Map
The Public Broadcasting Service posts a useful webpage with an interactive map that provides a complete state-by-state listing of emergency response departments and health agencies
Visit the Emergency Response Resource Map website
E. National Association of State EMS Officials (NASEMSO)
Each state in the USA has a lead Emergency Medical Services (EMS) agency, which is responsible for the overall planning, coordination, and regulation of the EMS system within the state, as well as for licensing or certifying EMS providers. The National Association of State Emergency Medical Services Officials (NASEMSO) is a non-profit organization formed in 1980 to be a lead voice for the development of effective, integrated, community-based, universal and consistent EMS systems. The EMS system plays a vital part in the medical aspects of response to a terrorist incident or natural disaster. State Emergency Medical Services offices are generally charged with the responsibility for coordinating the EMS response. Some of these responsibilities may include determining the availability of EMS resources, directing ambulances into needed areas, and directing the flow and destination of patients evacuated from the event area. The NASEMSO provides technical support and resources to assist states in meeting the challenges of preparedness.
More information on the National Association of State EMS Officials
F. The U.S. Department of Transportation
The U.S. Department of Transportation established an Emergency Transportation Subcommittee to serve as a mechanism to evaluate the status of emergency preparedness as it relates to people with disabilities and transportation systems. The Emergency Transportation Subcommittee is evaluating existing transportation regulations and their relationship to the needs of individuals with disabilities during an emergency. In addition, the Subcommittee plans to research, evaluate and provide examples of best practices and systems for planning and implementing emergency preparedness transportation policies and programs for people with disabilities, their family members, their employers and service providers.
More information on DOT Emergency Preparedness
PLEASE NOTE: Additional Department of Transportation disability related resource listings can be found in Section XVI of EmergencyInfoOnline - Additional Disability Resources.